Wednesday, June 30, 2010

(Potpourri) Los Pensamientos del Momento Vol.2

Ya va un tiempo que no escribo algo y he tenido unas cosas que me quiero quitar de la cabeza. Pero la cosa es que lo que tengo hasta ahora es algo pequeño y no me gusta gastar espacio. Ese siendo el caso a continuación les escribo los pensamientos sobre taboos, los habitos de la television de aquí, aceptar y cambiar, mi respuesta a Thomas Rivera Schatz y la contemporaneidad de las emociones. So without further ado les doy una entrada bilingue.

  • Taboos: There's a reason why we don't talk about the private things we all share.
98% of men do it (the other 2% lie about it) and about 80% of women do it too. It's one of those things you lean when you're a teen and you have no idea what it is (or why it makes you feel good). If at this point you don't know what im talking about then think dirtier (way dirtier). Now maybe we talk about it around society and thats ok cause the taboo there has been broken decades ago. Now. Although that has been broken, you don't go into detail and THAT is taboo.

Here's another thing. Usually some people may have someone they can virtually trust with their life, or a lover they can talk about anything or some kind of confidant they can talk about anything in certain situations. Anything and Everything is a universal word. In logical terms, it means to include any possible outcome in existance.

Taboos are topics that are forbidden by general consencus to be unspeakable for obvious reasons. Now let me be precise about this definition. If it involves you, yourself, and only you and its of a very original nature, then keep it to yourself. Often these things can contradict your everyday philosophy and can really fuck shit up if you let them free. Now if it involves you and someone else, then wait for the time for that taboo to reveal itself. Bringing something like that earlier than anticipated is like taking a shit in the woods next to your house, its unnecesary.

Yes I agree taboos limit our social conversations, but you have to acknowledge the 2 kinds of taboos aforementioned. Personal taboos are a no no and you do not talk about them with others; Regular taboos which have their time and placeto be spoken about.

  • La television Puertorriqueña: Tetas + Personajes + La Comay + Video de pelea en el senado = T.V
La television puertorriqueña me encanta. El sentimiento que me causa ver personas de aqui entreteniendo, informando y educando me hace sentir satisfecho, pero recientemente vi que la realidad es que como que pararon de evolucionar para el 2000. Me explico. La comedia aqui es casi siempre a través de personajes, casi nunca es personal. Para los show de medio dia se regala se rie y hay una gran fanaticada ligona que se mantiene como taboo. Los show de bochinche (superxclusivo) mantienen el mismo fucking formato con los mimos chistes y quemaeras (like if House M.D ran for 20 years every day). Las noticias rompen con todas las normas de ética fotoperiodistica y periodistica y la producción de estos no es muy seria que digamos.

Mi problema con todo esto es que hasta los jodios cubanos hacen programación moderna, mientras que nosotros nos quedamos con el pensamiento de que si hago un personaje borrachín todo el mundo se va a reir. A las comedias les digo lo que escuche una vez de un comediante (de cuyo nombre no me recuerdo) en el jurado que dijo "Solo porque tienes un disfraz, no te excusa de tener que ser gracioso"

As for la fanaticada ligona de la burbu en Pegate al medio dia, considero que la burbu estar en ese show con ropa pegada (que dios la bendiga por eso(no, eso no es sarcasmo eso es en serio)) es una forma barata para subir los ratings por miles de parte e WAPA. Mi respuesta, hagan un no te duermas y no solo pones algo donde estaria mejor, pero la fanaticada te sube y tienes las cosas en su lugar.

Finalmente, los shows de bochinche me tienen cansado especialmente la comay. Hace y dice lo mismo todos los dias y todavia son los mas sintonizados de la t.v puertorriqueña. Lo unico que voy a decir es que estas en linea con el gringo jay leno.

  • Respuesta a Herr Schatz: Sobre su decisión de no permitir los periodistas (y la población) al hemiciclo del senado en el Capitolio.
Constitucion del E.L.A de P.R - Articulo II - Sec. 4:
No se aprobará ley alguna que restrinja la libertad de palabra o de prensa o el derecho del pueblo a reunirse en asamblea pacífica y a pedir al gobierno la reparación de agravios

Constitucion de EE.UU - Carta de Derechos - 1ra enmienda:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Callate la boca y ya. Quien carajos tu crees que eres cerrando las puertas del hemiciclo al publico y mucho menos a los periodistas. Y no vallas a decir que es algo de seguridad nacional porque ni el gobernador ni el presidente de los EEUU pueden hacer eso. Cojones, tienes las constitución original en el primer piso y desobedeces lo que hicieron los que te permitieron tener el poder.

Que carajo le pasa a los politicos en este pais. ¿Como puñeta esta gente llega al poder? Hacen todo mal o como quieran, son socialmente ineptos, inmaduros, corruptos, cabrones etc. Saben que deberiamos hacer. Deberiamos mudarnos todos para Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Guyana y Panama y dejarlos con Puerto Rico. Y yo se que hay nacionalistas que se opondrían a eso, pues nada la cultura la tiene la gente, no un canto de tierra de 100 x 35. Eso si tráiganse los coquies, los platanos, las panas, y la comay.

  • Twilight fans: Their diference from Potter/Star Wars/L.O.T.R Fans
Twilight is a romance novel that pretty much changes all public conception of Vampires into something completely different. Let me be more precise, Twilight is a novel about people who have it all and they still complain. Let me be even more precise, twilight is a book about who can't stand who they are and they want to change everything about themselves, essentially killing the humanity they have in exchange for something "perfect".

Let me just start by saying, this is a story about people who don't learn how to deal with shit and they just want to escape everything to make it all perfect. Ok, so if you like twilight then you probably believe there is such a thing as perfection in this world of ours. You believe that people can completely change and leave their old personality, habits, philosphies, and looks. And most importantly you are probably a very selfish individual.

Well the world isn't like that at all so shut the fuck up. Second thing is that I really hate this novel because it's pays no dues to reality or philosophy, it concentrates around emotions and only emotions cause htats what romance novels do. This is no good because emotions are relateble to absolutely any human being. And its in this aspect that twilight fans differ from Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings fans. These other works deal with a combination of a lot of fantastic epic and some emotion. And it makes things perfet to include philosophical bits, adventurous moments and most importantly a varied fanbase (unlike twilights teen fanbase)

What am I saying. Simple, I'm saying that twilight is like crack, highly addictive yet horrible for you on the short term and the long term, whereas the other series are like cocaine, also addictive but providing of an energy boost first. Also I'm saying that anything that plays with your emotions is not good. Be the master of your own emotions if you truly want to be an individual.

  • Acceptance and Change: It's within us, but we find it hard to do both if we do one.
In my last post about Lost I wrote that we have to learn to accept things for what they are. And I reiterate that accepting things is essential if we want to live our lives. Still this doesn't mean we can't change. We can. But we can't change the external. If any change takes place its within the individual, and only like this can change me effective. Change can be imposed, but its also rather innefective this way when it comes to more complex individuals.

But still some people want to change other people. Society has a great obsession with change and it's no good for us. We have to learn to change ourselves and accept the exterior and deal with it. And if you want to change people for your own reasons then all I have to say is the following...

  • "And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea. Eventually"
Jimi Hendrix was the original author of that quote which was from his song Castles Made of Sand. Musically a great song, but lirically a beautiful song. The line castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually is a rather metaphoric way of saying nothing lasts forever, whether good or bad. And I put this here because is a philosophical fact.

Life is filled with many events that build up certain emotions. They can be good emotions or bad ones or sad ones, but they always pass, like sand castles swept by the ocean tide. So with this I also have to say that there is no reason to keep a certain emotion for too long or for too short. Its natural human mechanics. But let me also say that, if you feel bad I suggest you get away from such emotion, and if you're happy, do your best to keep it. That being said I have to also agree that nothing lasts forever. We have to learn to appreciate what we once had and stop mourning what we lost. Life is a wonderful experience and why spend it wishing to have what we used to have.

So life is full of many things. We need to learn to keep personal secrets, change the way TV is, move countries, acknowledge that stephanie meyer wrote a horrible sensation for the human being, we have to keep learning to accept and change ourselves, and finally to acknowledge that nothing lasts forever. So let's enjoy life. Let's do our best to become the best we can. lets unlock our full potentials and do all that which we want to do. Cause time is faster than you think, and before you know it too much time has passed, and you can no longer do what you want to.


1 comment:

  1. Estamos en la misma pagina con lo de los politicos. Vamos a coger un chorro de gente, buscarnos una islita bien lejos de aqui y fundamos otro Puerto Rico.
